Czechs discover the beauty of hidden door frames

Czechs discover the beauty and minimalist charm of hidden door frames. A popular design style of hotel interiors abroad, which is widely used by renowned designers and architects - hidden door frames are in the world... Inspirational approach and innovative solutions

Dorsis is a specialist in doors and concealed frames. The products it offers are an example of perfect development and perfection in processing and assembly. Doors with hidden frames blend in perfectly...

housing for everyone perfect design and top design

Trends in housing have been dominated for several years by a minimalist approach to interior and architecture. The interiors are dominated by clean lines and geometric shapes, unnecessary elements are suppressed or even eliminated. Thanks to the hidden door frame DORSIS…

housing for everyone minimalism and industrialism

The current trend in the concept of space leans towards both minimalism and industrialism. The combination of both styles can create an attractive and unique interior. Doors that Dorsis specializes in are an integral part of it. '