Architect + Hidden door frames and doors Dorsis
minimalism for your projects
Design purity and straight lines are increasingly becoming a mantra in the design of modern interiors - whether offices, hotels or housing units. We leave the decorative interior elements and focus on the overall harmony and elegance as required by investors and builders.
They are undoubtedly a stylish element of the interior hidden door framesthat tighten the concept of minimalism to perfection, doors and hidden door frames Dorsis Fortius 52 then they represent the absolute top in the segment of doors and hidden door frames.
"The goal of the Fortius 52 door frame development was to offer architects and investors modern door and door solutions in above-standard quality," says David Velímský, CEO of Dorsis. "We focused on finding the ideal construction and using such materials that will ensure the strength of the door frame and door. The result is a unique system of door frame construction, by screwing into the supporting structure we achieve exceptional rigidity and strength. ”